Who Supports Voter Identification?


The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast the differences in attitudes from the perspective of African Americans and Caucasian voters in the U.S. In addition, this study examined conscience or unconscious bias toward voter identification laws. In particular, were the effects of voter identification laws viewed through different lens depending on a voter’s ethnic background, social economic status, gender, age, or a voter’s political ideology? I approach this research by examining the results of research conducted by Michael Dawson, Lawrence Bobo, David Wilson, and Paul Brewer. These experts examined both ends of the political spectrum consisting of data from pro-voter id supporters and anti-voter identification supporters. The first hypothesis was the African American community and the cohesiveness race plays a vital role with a focus encompassing civil rights and the perseverance and enhancement of economic equality. The second hypothesis stated that a much higher percentage of Caucasian voters were supportive of voter identification laws. Many of these voters stated that voter identification laws must be implemented in an effort of preventing voter fraud. The third hypothesis was that African American voters should respond to voter identification laws with that of repugnance. Brewer and Wilson’s findings revealed that an overwhelming percentage of voters supported identification laws (78%), 21% opposed identification laws, 48% of voters stated that voter fraud was a major concern, while 43% expressed concern of denying eligible voters the right to vote

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