A leap into foodservice satisfaction in the private acute care setting [Conference Abstract]


Monitoring foodservice satisfaction is a risk management strategy for malnutrition in the acute care sector, as low satisfaction may be associated with poor intake. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between age and foodservice satisfaction in the private acute care setting. Patient satisfaction was assessed using a validated tool, the Acute Care Hospital Foodservice Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire for data collected 2008–2010 (n = 779) at a private hospital, Brisbane. Age was grouped into three categories; 70 years. Fisher’s exact test assessed independence of categorical responses and age group; ANOVA or Kruskal–Wallis test was used for continuous variables. Dichotomised responses were analysed using logistic regression and odds ratios (95% confidence interval, p 70 years vs 40.6% ≤50 years; p 70 years vs 35.9% ≤50 years; p 70 years (OR = 5.0, 95% CI: 1.8–13.8; <50 years referent). These results suggest that dimensions of foodservice satisfaction are associated with age and can assist foodservices to meet varying generational expectations of clients

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