
Residence time investigation in a co-axial dielectric barrier discharge reactor


The residence time distribution (RTD) is a crucial parameter when treating engine exhaust emissions with a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) reactor. In this paper, the residence time of such a reactor is investigated using a finite element based software: COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3. Non-thermal plasma (NTP) discharge is being introduced as a promising method for pollutant emission reduction. DBD is one of the most advantageous of NTP technologies. In a two cylinder co-axial DBD reactor, tubes are placed between two electrodes and flow passes through the annuals between these barrier tubes. If the mean residence time increases in a DBD reactor, there will be a corresponding increase in reaction time and consequently, the pollutant removal efficiency can increase. However, pollutant formation can occur during increased mean residence time and so the proportion of fluid that may remain for periods significantly longer than the mean residence time is of great importance. In this study, first, the residence time distribution is calculated based on the standard reactor used by the authors for ultrafine particle (10-500 nm) removal. Then, different geometrics and various inlet velocities are considered. Finally, for selected cases, some roughness elements added inside the reactor and the residence time is calculated. These results will form the basis for a COMSOL plasma and CFD module investigation

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