Multi-Physical Parameter Cross-Sectional Imaging of Quantitative Phase and Fluorescence by Integrated Multimodal Microscopy


Integrated multimodal cross-sectional or volumetric imaging techniques give us fruitful information to understand the behavior or status of target objects such as biological samples. Most of the reported systems for this purpose are either time consuming due to scanning or use additional reference beams such as in interferometry. Therefore, fast, simple, highly efficient, and powerful multimodal imaging systems that can perform cross-sectional imaging with simple algorithms are worth to be investigated. In this paper, a multimodal technique for cross-sectional quantitative phase and fluorescence imaging with computational microscopy is presented. We combine cross-sectional fluorescence and quantitative phase imaging by using the transport of intensity equation (TIE) and numerical wave propagation. The amplitude and phase of the fluorescence light wave with partially spatial coherence are obtained from three defocused intensity patterns. The proposed hybrid imaging system is simple, compact, and non-iterative. We present experimental results of microbeads and fluorescent proteinlabeled living cells of the moss Physcomitrella patensto demonstrate the performance of the proposed imaging system

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