Two pilots who had experienced vasovagal syncope were grounded by the aeromedical service. Pilot A had experienced three episodes of syncope in medical settings, none during flight. Pilot B had experienced four episodes of syncope in emotional/medical settings, one during flight. Whether a pilot who experienced one or more episodes of vasovagal syncope is declared fit to fly now depends on the number of episodes experienced. We propose that pilots should be assessed individually. Certainty of the diagnosis of vasovagal syncope, the chance and predictability of recurrences during flight, and the possibility of effective therapy should be assessed. Chance of recurrence during flight is low when the triggering factor is known and avoidable. Pilots with syncopal episodes in predictable (e.g., medical) situations, with clear prodromal symptoms and/or effective therapy, should be declared fit to fly. A symptom-free period and/or restriction to fly 'as or with a co-pilot' can be considere