Description of the terminological concept in an ontology


Terminologie & Ontologie: Théories et Applications. Conférence TOTh 2017.Chambéry – 8 & 9 juin 2017Ontology editors are tools developed to classify and describe objects in a database that will be used by a computer program for any of a number of purposes. Since this tool allows elements to be grouped and classified, we decided it could be applied to the management of terminological concepts. To do so, we have formalised the description of the terminological concepts by means of characteristics and values, so that they match the form required by ontologies. Then, we show how to implement the conceptual information in the ontology editor Protégé, and more specifically how to represent concepts, descriptions of concepts and terminological definitions. We also analyse the advantages and drawbacks of this way of representing concepts, as well as outlining the future work that we are developing in relation to i

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