Intervención sobre la confianza organizacional en un colectivo de docentes de secundaria de un colegio privado de Montevideo


Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Psicologia del Treball, de les Organitzacions i en Recursos Humans. Codi: SBE513. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019.The increase in uncertainty and high competition in current contexts require innovation and constant change on the part of organizations. This has led to organizational trust becoming a key aspect for organizations. Adaptation to a context like the one described is feasible for flexible organizations, not dominated by control paradigms and strict rules. The operation of these is based on trust relationships that enable the cooperation and coordination of activities to achieve the purposes set. In turn these organizations can achieve a high level of commitment of people with the mission and organizational purposes. In our society, schools are key to social development and in particular to achieve goals of learning and socialization of its members. These service organizations require a high level of involvement of their teachers as well as high levels of trust among their members

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