El impacto de la información previa en la recepción de la traducción inclusiva: Estudio experimental de la traducción binaria y no binaria del cómic Morgane de Fert y Kansara


Treball final de Màster Universitari en Investigació en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: SBK013. Curs acadèmic 2018/2019Gender-inclusive translation has been rejected as introducing changes in meaning which translators are ethically not allowed to decide. Several scholars in Translation and Interpreting Studies, though, have claimed translators introduce changes in the text’s ideology even if they are unaware of it. Considering that translations are a fact of the target system, this conundrum may be solved by assessing how gender-inclusive translations are perceived and received by the translated community. However, target systems are, by definition, dynamic, and translations and translators introduce energies in those dynamics, even unknowingly. This study aims at testing precisely whether explicitly stating the purpose and ideological motivation of translation strategies may introduce a positive bias towards gender-inclusive translation into Spanish. By using binary and more rarely used non-binary language, the perception of a gender-inclusive translation of Morgane (2016), by Fert and Kansara, will be explored. An experimental study using focus groups will test whether providing such information to the audience (by briefing as the paratext chosen) impacts how audiences receive non-dominant ideologies being introduced via translations. The results of this study show that previous information about the purposes of the translation strategies used enhances a positive perception of ideology manipulation

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