Creation of a demo of a Tactical Role-Playing game with dynamic AI


Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019This document details the Technical Report of a Bachelor’s Thesis consisting in the development of a demo of a Tactical Role-playing game in 3D using Unity. The basis of the project is a simple turn-based strategy system together with a decision-based system previous to the combats. The efforts of the project are put mainly on the research and development of Artificial Intelligence techniques so as to provide the game of a dynamic AI. This will be done by implementing three distinct systems: a Visual Novel-like system that will take into account the decisions made by the player to decide which scenario will be played right after; an Emotion Controller to adjust the behavior of the different computer-controlled units according to the situation of the battlefield; and an Error System that will take into account previous inefficient actions of the units to diminish their value during the decision-making portion of the AI

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