
Horizontal non-vanishing of Heegner points and toric periods


Let F/QF/\mathbb{Q} be a totally real field and AA a modular \GL_2-type abelian variety over FF. Let K/FK/F be a CM quadratic extension. Let χ\chi be a class group character over KK such that the Rankin-Selberg convolution L(s,A,χ)L(s,A,\chi) is self-dual with root number 1-1. We show that the number of class group characters χ\chi with bounded ramification such that L(1,A,χ)0L'(1, A, \chi) \neq 0 increases with the absolute value of the discriminant of KK. We also consider a rather general rank zero situation. Let π\pi be a cuspidal cohomological automorphic representation over \GL_{2}(\BA_{F}). Let χ\chi be a Hecke character over KK such that the Rankin-Selberg convolution L(s,π,χ)L(s,\pi,\chi) is self-dual with root number 11. We show that the number of Hecke characters χ\chi with fixed \infty-type and bounded ramification such that L(1/2,π,χ)0L(1/2, \pi, \chi) \neq 0 increases with the absolute value of the discriminant of KK. The Gross-Zagier formula and the Waldspurger formula relate the question to horizontal non-vanishing of Heegner points and toric periods, respectively. For both situations, the strategy is geometric relying on the Zariski density of CM points on self-products of a quaternionic Shimura variety. The recent result \cite{Ts, YZ, AGHP} on the Andr\'e-Oort conjecture is accordingly fundamental to the approach.Comment: Adv. Math., to appear. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1712.0214

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