A comparative study of aspects of health care valued by residents with multiple sclerosis and staff at a residential setting


This research was undertaken in response to the implementation of a program of de-institutionalisation under the auspices of the Disability Services Act 1986, involving people with Multiple Sclerosis {MS) . The impact of de-institutionalisation on people with MS has not been researched before in Australia. The aim of the research was to identify and compare aspects of health care valued by people with Multiple Sclerosis and staff at an assisted accommodation unit in suburban Australia. The research participants included the residents and staff of a residential centre for people with MS. Elements of quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. Data were collected using unstructured interviews and sequential questionnaires. These data were analysed using recurrent theme identification technique. The research shows that the current program of deinstitutionalisation has resulted in changes affecting both residents and staff. The findings of the research were similar for both groups, who wish to see the Centre remain as much as possible as it is, with in-house services continued. Changes resulting in the abolition or reduction of services are not supported by either group. While the overall objectives of the Disability Services Act 1986 are supported by residents and staff, the major conclusion of the study is that its implementation should more closely reflect the needs of people with MS already living in an assisted accommodation unit

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