
Building eResearch Services, Capabilities and Capacity


The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is known for several flagship eResearch centres. It also has a number of mature, centralised research support services that address a several of areas of eResearch. The university has openly stated its aspiration to be an institution with a strongly embedded eResearch capability and to this end it has expressed the desire to establish a university-wide eResearch support service. However, articulating this desire is much easier than realising it. During 2008 QUT undertook a major review into eResearch that made recommendations on the development of university-wide eResearch support service and the building of eResearch capabilities and capacity throughout the university. The results of this review were reported last year at this conference. In 2009, QUT is progressing a second, follow-on project – Building eResearch Support Capability and Capacity. It has been designed to build upon existing strengths in HPC, repositories, data management, and the delivery of integrated skills for eresearch. The purpose of this presentation is to give an update on QUT’s journey, one year on from its first major report into eResearch. It will outline how the university is approaching this challenge, the current work being carried out and the strategies being employed. We will also discuss the lessons learned

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