Distribution and condition of common walnut plantations (Juglans regia L.) in the Tolmin forest managment area


V diplomskem delu smo proučevali razširjenost in stanje nasadov navadnega oreha v Gozdnogospodarskem območju Tolmin. Zanimalo nas je, koliko je nasadov, kakšnega izvora so in v kakšnem stanju so. Zanimalo nas je tudi morebitno pomlajevanje navadnega oreha v nasadih in njihovi okolici. V sedmih nasadih smo 185 drevesom izmerili in ocenili več parametrov. Rezultati so pokazali, da gre večinoma za vitalna odrasla drevesa z razmeroma dobro kakovostjo debel. Pri ugotavljanju pomlajevanja smo zadovoljive rezultate dosegli na lokacijah Bodrež in Stomaž. Posebno lokacija v Stomažu je s stališča pomlajevanja in morebitnih nadaljnjih raziskav zelo zanimiva, saj mlade osebke najdemo tudi v oddaljenosti več sto metrov od nasadov. Številčnost orehovega mladja je zanimiva tudi na posekah, kjer je ob ugodnih svetlobnih razmerah konkurenčen drugim drevesnim vrstam. V prihodnje se priporoča skrb za navadni oreh predvsem na lokacijah, kjer se sam pomlajuje. Za večji delež visokokakovostnega orehovega lesa v gozdovih pa bi bilo treba vlagati veliko dela in sredstev.In this Bachelor Thesis we studied the spatial distribution and the condition of the common walnut plantations in the Tolmin forest management area. We were interested in the number of plantations, their origin and condition, as well as the common walnut’s natural regeneration in the plantations and their surroundings. We measured and estimated several parameters of 185 trees in 7 plantations. The results showed that we were mostly dealing with mature and vital trees with relatively good trunk quality. When we studied the natural regeneration of the trees, adequate results were found in Bodrež and Stomaž. Especially the area in Stomaž seems to be very interesting regarding the natural regeneration and the possibility of future research, as young trees are found even hundreds of meters away from plantations. What is also interesting is the large number of young walnut trees in the clearings, where this species successfully competes with other species if given enough light. We suggest special attention and care for common walnut trees in the areas where it regenerates naturally. More work and funds should be invested to achieve a bigger proportion of a high-quality walnut wood in the woods

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