
Research Ethics and the CGIAR


This report was discussed at the 5th Meeting of the Science Council in April 2006. The report was prepared by an independent panel (see authors) led by Peter Sandoe. The present study is concerned with ethical issues relating to the process involved in the CGIAR mission: scientific research and research-related activities. Roughly, these ethical issues can be divided into three different categories: The first is about the implications of the CGIAR’s overall objective for the way the research activities are conducted, i.e. the requirements of ensuring that the end beneficiaries of the research actually are benefited through dissemination of research results, through empowerment and through participation in relevant parts of the research process. Another implication is the requirement of ensuring a stable and transparent research process through dialogue and communication with the relevant stakeholders. A second type of ethical issue is that relating to the parties affected by the research activities. These are, among others, human or animal research subjects, the environment and the general public. Important issues are concerned with ensuring that research results remain a public good and how to deal with intellectual property (IP) issues. Other important issues are biodiversity protection and biosafety. The third types of issue relate to the ethical requirements internal to the conduct of research activities. These requirements include norms of good scientific practice and norms concerning the handling of funding

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