
Situacion del cultivo de frijol en America Latina


L.A. is the largest producer of field beans in the world (34 percent - av. of 3.85 million t/yr from 1968-71), Brazil alone accounting for more than 50 percent. Productivity is low, ranging from 330-1164 kg/ha (av 600 kg). Most of the beans are grown on small farms, often in association with other crops, especially maize. Cultural practices in the different countries are summarized. Tables show the frequency of diseases, pests (grouped according to type of damage caused) and weeds in the different L.A. countries and several regions of Brazil. Other important problems are poor rainfall distribution, the inefficiency of the marketing system and the lack of price controls. Research allocations are few and seed production policy does not have sufficient impact. Restructuration of national programs, training of research personnel and obtention of capital for greater credit facilities are recommended. On-farm studies should be conducted to determine the participation of beans as a source of income, nutrition and employment. (CIAT

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