Mart and the lab of investigation : artistic research and the hidden social life of art residencies


The current internship report refers to an internship experience at the MArt, a space for learning and artistic experimentation, in Lisbon, between September 2020 and February 2021. During this six-month period, the Laboratory of Investigation, a program developed for the MArt residency program in Lisbon, was developed. The Laboratory of Investigation (LoI) is a place to share, problematize and implement artistic investigation within the context of an art residency. The program will be presented and analyzed in this report in its projecting, unfolding and implementation firstly from a more practical level, namely by exploring the institutional conditions that favored its creation and its implementation; secondly, at a conceptual level, drawing from the material collected from the LoI’s two main activities, such as the research meeting and a collective installation which are presented and grouped by macro themes to show the general trends of interest. Thirdly, the results are analyzed through the lens of four main concepts, which are both the pillars of the laboratory as well as the conceptual tools that serve the analysis: affectivity, conviviality, materiality, and reflectivity. The LoI advocates for the importance of building a convivial environment in an art residency and it shows that one way to successfully do so is to reflect, share and document one’s research practice. By doing so, the LoI attempts to tackle two different yet complementary dimensions of an art residency that artist can experience namely its hidden social life and its more artistic and research-oriented aspects. Ultimately, the LoI shows that research can be a useful tool to move beyond disciplinary boundaries and it can be a vehicle for building more convivial environments

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