Smart Specialisation represents the most comprehensive industrial policy experiment being implemented in Europe. Conceived within the reformed Cohesion policy of the European Commission, Smart Specialisation is a place-based policy promoting economic transformation and investment in innovative activities in selected areas of the socio-economic system in order to achieve a smart, inclusive and sustainable growth.
Drawing on empirical evidence, the Smart Specialisation Implementation Handbook is targeted at policy-makers and regional development professionals who are crafting their innovation policy according to a common set of principles and methodologies. The handbook aims at taking stock of the Smart Specialisation experience and presenting its current state of the art, both in terms of conceptual developments and practical implementation. It addresses five key milestones of the implementation process:
1) The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) cycle: from priority selection to strategy implementation
2) Good governance: principles and challenges
3) From priorities to projects: selection criteria and selection process
4) Transnational cooperation and value chains
5) MonitoringJRC.B.3-Territorial Developmen