MMixte: a software architecture for Live Electronics with acoustic instruments : exemplary application cases


MMixte is a middleware based on Max for mixed music with live electronics. It enables programming for a “patcher concerto”, a platform, that is, for the management of live electronics in just a few minutes and with extreme simplicity. Dedicated to average and expert users, MMixte enables true programming of live electronics in very little time while also enabling easy adapting of previously developed modules, depending on the case and its needs. The architecture behind MMixte is based on a variation of so-called “pipeline architecture"; the analysis of the most widely used software architectures in the market and design patterns to program graphic interfaces has led to the conception of ways of organizing communication between various modules, the way they are being used and their graphic appearence. Analysis of other, “state of the art” module collections and other software programs dedicated to mixed music shows the absence of another work on software architecture for mixed music. Application of MMixte to some of my personal works shows demonstrates its flexibility and ease of adaptation. Computer programming for a piece of mixed music requires much that goes beyond just programming of audio signal processing. The present work seeks to provide an example of a solution to such needs

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