The role of art curators in contemporary art and photography


The following dissertation will focus on the social role of art curators within our society along with the evolution of the concept of “Museum” since the beginning of the 20th century. This research paper is based on my experience as an art curator and production assistant for the company Cinq Etoiles Production on exhibitions such as Pernod Ricard’s art campaign MINDSET, Médecins du Monde’s Mise Au Poing exhibition or Vichy Portrait(s). This internship gave me insights into the organization of a cultural and artistic show, its mission and the skills and the resources required to conduct it successfully. Indeed, evolving in the field of exhibitions’ organization and especially photography made me reflect upon the way people “use” museums and exhibitions and to what extend Art is essential for society. More than presenting the work of artists for their aesthetical values, an exhibition can raise awareness about issues, open debates on different subjects and enables us to project ourselves forwards. Besides, museums serve as vectors of knowledge about our history, or culture and other values and identities. Therefore, I began to realize that the most important changes in society were due to artists and intellectuals who promoted open-mindedness, multiculturalism, and alternative thinking. I wanted to understand how museums that were long reserved for a small fraction of our society became able to address larger audience and educate the public opinion. We will see during this research that just like any significant evolution of society, the democratization of art and culture under all its forms had to overcome many obstacles over the decades. We will also reflect upon the concept of “Museums” as art laboratory and places of social interactions, why it should be politically-engaged and how to involve the community in the process to achieve change within our society

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