The study of the relaxation process that follows a quantum quench in 1D systems still represents an
open research field. Here we consider a sudden change of the interparticle interaction and we identify a
peculiar correlator of the system whose behavior is directly and deeply affected by the quench-induced
dynamics. Interestingly, it features a universal power-law decay in time. Unfortunately, such a universal
decay, although present, turns out to be subleading in intrinsic properties of the system such as the non-
equilibrium spectral function. We thus consider a tunnel coupling of the system with a biased tip in order
to be able to study also transport properties, namely the charge and energy current flowing from the tip to
the system after the quench. In these quantities the universal power-law emerges clearly, especially if one
focuses on energy current and its fractionalization into a right- and left- moving components. In particular,
we show that the presence of a transient in the energy fractionalization ratio is a direct hallmark of the
quench-induced relaxation. Within the setup we have considered, time-dependent transport properties
are thus promoted to useful and promising tools to access the mechanisms at the base of the out-of-
equilibrium dynamics following quantum quench