
Australia apuesta por reforzar el mundo digital y la advocacy en la práctica de la ByD


In 2013, the ALIA, the Australian Library and Information Association prepared for the first time the report Future of the library and information science profession, of which we already made a first review in this same space. From this first report, the ALIA was receiving opinions and answers that have been drawing a whole series of new objectives and new horizons for the profession. Thus, this feedback has allowed us to identify new topics, new challenges and new actions that the profession must face, and which have resulted in an update of the original report, dated May 2017; this time, but in seven sectoral reports, much more specific and focused on a more precise field: the profession in general; the professionals; the associations and entities of the sector; public libraries; specialized libraries; school libraries; and finally university libraries. All these sector reports follow the same structure

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