Determination of bulb yield and bolting tendencies of some onion inbred lines in alata climate


Edible onion (Allium cepa L.) has an important place in the world economy. Within the content of this thesis, existing breeding materials were grown in Alata climate and their early bolting tolerance and efficiency were determined. For a good short day onion variety, it is undesirable trait to bolting in the first season. Within the content of this thesis, 22 short day onion genotypes were used as vegetable material. Parcel yield, average and standard deviations of onion bulb width, length and bulb weight data were found in shortday genotypes using SAS Statistics package program and correlation analysis of the data was also performed. As a result of these analyzes, the average yield of our short-day onions grown in Alata was found to be 9.578 Kg, average bulb width and height, respectively, 8.05 and 7.93 cm, and average bulb weight was 200.15 g. In addition, as a result of the correlation, all other correlations were significant except for the correlation between yield and bulb length in short-day genotypes. None of the 22 short-day genotypes that we used in our thesis study had a bolting

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