Cortical development associated with conjugation of Paramecium


The cortical cytoskeleton of Paramecium is characterized by a complex, polarized and asymmetrical organization. In order to analyse the cortical development of Paramecium tetraurelia during the sexual process of conjugation, different antibodies have been used to follow the development of five cortical components: basal bodies, ciliary rootlets, outer lattice, epiplasm and cytospindle. This study demonstrates that the cortex of Paramecium undergoes an elaborate development process following conjugation. Some of the cortical structures that are not renewed at any other moment of the cell cycle, are resorbed after conjugation and replaced by other newly formed ones. The reorganization of the cortical components occurs according to different morphogenetic waves that spread over the cell surface. The oral system and the preoral suture line act as morphogenetic epicentres.Junta de Andalucía y Departamento General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGICYT) PB91/062

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