Diffuse-Reflectance Spectroscopy Using a Frequency-Switchable Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser


We demonstrate diffuse-reflectance (DR) spectroscopy of powders using a discretely-tunable terahertz-frequency quantum cascade laser (THz QCL) with a heterogeneous active region. DR signatures were obtained at frequencies of 3.06, 3.21, 3.28, and 3.35 THz, and the relative absorption coefficients were inferred at each frequency using a Kubelka-Munk (KM) scattering model. The spectral lineshapes reproduce the absolute Beer-Lambert (BL) absorption spectra of a range of materials, which were also measured using conventional transmission-mode THz time-domain spectroscopy. It is shown that the DR technique works reliably for materials that include pharmaceutical compounds and foodstuffs, with BL absorption coefficients in the range 2-10 mm(-1). This method is potentially suitable for automated material identification, without any requirement for a priori knowledge of the refractive index or scattering properties of the sampled material

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