The Reorganization and Regeneration of Non-Performing Loans - A Case Study of a Certain Hotel in the Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area


[[abstract]]台灣於2000年通過金融機構合併法,與2001年通過具爭議性之金融六法及陸續修正通過相關條例,開放銀行設立及輔導信用合作社改制為銀行,造成銀行業間惡性競爭,隨?全球經濟景氣不佳,而導致銀逾放比增加,適足率不足,為維護金融體系穩定,迫使金融機構為了要降低逾放比,將銀行不良債權(NPL)、以包裹式由國內外資產管理公司(AMC)標購後,再轉讓予下游小型資產公司或投資客,並藉由傳統之清理機制來處分不良債權,参考國外欧美及亞洲先進國家,前期若能以企業重整再生(RTC)方式,有機會讓繼續生存之企業,個案如東隆五金公司,有如浴火鳳凰般再生。而且以傳統清理模式處理,容易衍生負面效應,如英商雷曼兄弟 (Leh man brothers )資產公司,有如秃鷹般鯨吞掠食我國不良債權後,旋即轉售賺取暴利,嗣並造成連動債金融風暴,國內個案則有力霸集團淘空子公司等案。 而金融重建基金至今處理國內56家體質不良之問題金融機構,不斷增加賠付金額,擴大財務缺口成效不彰,而問題銀行應運用市場淘汰機制,才不至於浪費人民之納稅錢,執政者訂定相關政策時,應引以為鑑。本個案先期以重整再生 理機制,結果是失敗的,惟參考創新大師克里斯汀生 (Clayton M. christensen)及諾貝爾經濟學者羅伯.席勒(Robert J.Shiller)著作,藉由創新思維模式,使原本將遭到拆除之危樓得以再生與活化,除其天然環境與地理優勢外,以地名為公司品牌,是奠定日後經營成功,立足台灣並馳名國際的大飯店之最大主因,祈透過本文探討,能對日後金融機構及企業制定經營成長策略時,和有意投資不良债權者有所助益![[abstract]]Taiwan established the [financial institutions merger law] in year 2000,and through, the controversial [financial six law] in year 2001, opened banks set-up and counseled the credit cooperatives turning into the bank, resulting in vicious competition between the banking industry. With the global economic downturn, which led to the increase of Non-Performing Loans Ratio, and the insufficient Capital Adequacy Ratio. In order to maintain the stability of the financial system, financial institutions must reduce the ratio of bank bad debt (NPL), wrapped by domestic and foreign asset management companies (AMC) after the purchase, and then transferred to the downstream small asset companies or investors. It is to clean up and dispose of bad debts (NPL) through the traditional court enforcement. With reference to the cases of Europe and the United States and advanced countries in Asia, the pre-reorganization and reengineering (RTC) is done to provide the opportunity to continue to survive the business, such as Donglong Hardware Company and Taichung Seiki, like the Phoenix-like regeneration, rather than to deal with the traditional clean-up model, easy to derive negative effects, such as the British Lehman brothers (Leh man brothers) asset companies, such as vultures eagerly swallowed Taiwan’s bad debts, immediately resell for profits; and Taiwan “Force O East O Group” malicious underrun subsidiary of “Middle O” and other cases. The research case in this paper was originally based on the mechanism of corporate reorganization processing, the result is a failure, and then in a reference to innovation master Kristin (Clayton M. Christensen) and economics scholar Robert Schiller (Robert J Shiller), in order to innovate the financial and business growth mode of thinking, and to take the correct path to clean up, so that the original building was to be demolished in danger and to be activated into regeneration success. Through this case, we hope to help future financial institutions, corporate companies to develop business growth strategy, and those who intend to invest bad debtsto take effective action.[[note]]碩

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