Report of the final external review of the Generation Challenge Programme


The Generation Challenge Review aims to determine to what extent the GCP has provided support to genomics research and molecular plant breeding for developing country partners. In addition, as the GCP represented a new business model for international agricultural research in the CGIAR, the review should determine whether the model has been useful and to what extent particular aspects of it might be replicated in the current CRPs. This external review of GCP, commissioned by the Independent Evaluation Arrangement (IEA) of the CGIAR at the request of GCP’s Management and Executive Board, with the consent of the GCP Consortium Committee, was undertaken about a year before Programme closure in December 2014. Although not an EC review, the EC entrusted the IEA to design and manage this independent review to obviate the need for an additional review. The review looks back on the evolution of the Programme and its component activities to determine whether or not it has met its objectives, and seeks to learn from one of the first multi-centre, multi-partner CGIAR programmes that were the predecessors of the current CRPs

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