
Identifikasi Faktor-Faktor Penumpukan Realisasi Anggaran Belanja Di Akhir Tahun (Studi Kasus Pada Balai Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan Manado)


. Implementation of the budget is a very important stage in the realization of government programs that have been organized in the National budget. The implementation sometime found difficulties, including the realization of the budget tends to be low in the early years and accumulated at the end of the year. According to Rusqiayati (2014), ideally the realization of the government\u27s budget follows the "S-curve" which is tends to be stable at the beginning of the year, then increased in the mid and stabilized towards the end of the fiscal year. This research aims to identify factors that causing the accumutaed of budget realization in the end of the year at Environment and Forestry Research and Development Institute of Manado. This study is a qualitative case study. The key informants in this research are officers or employees directly involved in financial management, such as the Budget Authority (KPA), Committing Officer (CO), official signing of Warrant Pay (PPSPM), Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Executive Technical Officer ( PTK).The results showed that factors that causing the accumulated of budget realization in the end of the year at Environment and Forestry Research and Development Institute of Manado were budget planning, budget execution, procurement of goods/services, and human resources

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    Last time updated on 01/12/2017