
Persepsi Remaja Tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi di Pondok Pesantren Manahilil Ulum Hidayiah Kaballangang Kabupaten Pinrang


Information on reproductive health is still a taboo thing to be learned by teenager at islamic boarding school. Lack of infrastructure at the islamic school has made the teenager less information on reproductive health. The objective is to explore the access of information on reproductive health among teenager at the islamic boarding school. This study is a qualitative study with phenomenological approach. The data is collected through in-depth interview to 11 informants. The result shows that teenager at the islamic boarding school need much information on reproductive health especially on reproductive organ, disease on health reproduction as well as the prevention and the cure of the disease. the source of information is only from the teacher of biology and the teacher of islamic law (fiqih). The recommendation is that the management of islamic boarding school should provide access of information on reproductive health so that the teenager will not learn from misleading information.Keywords: Perception, Reproductive Health, Teenager, Islamic Boarding Schoo

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