An investigation into a solar step prism concentrator for heating purposes


A solar collecter, utilizing a step prism refracting concentrator was designed, built, and tested in order to investigate its possibilities in the utilization of solar energy for heating purpeses, in particular water heating. Experimental effiiciencies of 30 per cent were found possibie at fluid temperatures ef 100º C when tracking the sun. However, much higher efficiencies (around 60 per cent) would be possible with slight modifications to the device; as discussed in this Report. With this higher 60 per cent efficieny it is considered that a solar collector utilizing the above refracting concentrator would be very competitive or surpass flat plate solar absorbers, economically and efficiency wise. In building the collecter, a materials research was considered necessary in order to estimate its theoretically possible efficiency and performance. The Report outlines the precedure, theory, results and conclusions derived from the investigation

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