
Effective governing equations for poroelastic growing media


A new mathematical model is developed for the macroscopic behaviour of a porous, linear elastic solid, saturated with a slowly flowing incompressible, viscous fluid, with surface accretion of the solid phase. The derivation uses a formal two-scale asymptotic expansion to exploit the well-separated length scales of the material: the pores are small compared to the macroscale, with a spatially periodic microstructure. Surface accretion occurs at the interface between the solid and fluid phases, resulting in growth of the solid phase through mass exchange from the fluid at a prescribed rate (and vice versa). The averaging derives a new poroelastic model, which reduces to the classical result of Burridge and Keller in the limit of no growth. The new model is of relevance to a large range of applications including packed snow, tissue growth, biofilms and subsurface rocks or soils

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