In information era, companies using bisnis strategy, and put the strategy into action to pursue high performance. Companies need to manage its information capital readiness, and management informationsystems, so that they can put strategy into action and achieve high manajerial performanc.This study focus on the effect of business strategy toward managerial performance through information capital readiness and performance management systems as intervening variables in companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange and States Own Companies.Result of the study shows that:1) business strategy have a positive impact on infformation capital readiness, 2) business strategy have no indirect effect on performance management systems through information capital readiness as an intervening variable, 3)business strategy have an indirect impact on managerial performance through information capital readiness as an intervening variable, 4) information capital readiness have no indirect effect on managerial performance through performance management systems as an intervening variable, 5) business strategy have an indirect effect on managerial performance through managementperformance measurement as an intervening variable, 6) business strategy have an indirect effect onmanagerial performance through information capital readiness and management performance measurementas intervening variables.Keywords: business strategy, managerial performance, information capital readiness, and performance management system