Efek Repelan Kombinasi Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb. Rhizome) Dan Rimpang Jahe (Zingiber Officinale Roxb. Rhizome ) Dalam Basis Unguentum Leniens Terhadap Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti


The highes of the dengue fever cases make the society have to control the spread of the dengue virus with avoid and decrease contact and mosquito bite. In find the natural resource that has repellant effect, have been done repellant research effect with volatile oil combines from Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizome and Zingiber officinale rhizome to Aedes aegypti. Volatile oil of Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizome and Zingiber officinale rhizome were isolated using steam and water destilation method. The test composition made with different concentration, that are 2% v/b, 5% v/b, 10% v/b, 15% v/b, 20% v/b, and 25% v/b. The positive control is repellant DEET 12,5% and the negative control is unguentum leniens base. The method of this test is “Comparative Efficacy of Insect Repellent against Mosquito Bites” which modified. Repellant effect analyzed from refusal time, that is mosquito\u27s bite in the first time. The research result is higher concentration of volatile oil followed by increasing of refusal time on Aedes aegypti. Repelant with 25% v/b concentration (the biggest concentration) were the best preparation and good in standard as repellent. It caused that concentration had longest refusal time. Key word: volatile oil, Aedes aegypti, unguentum leniens, repellan

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