Pengaruh Lama Pengukusan terhadap Mutu Fisik Beras Pratanak pada Beberapa Varietas Gabah


Parboiled rice processing begins with a process of paddy soaking and steaming. These processes are intended to improve physical quality and lower the glycemic index so it fits for diabetic and diet purposes. Objective of this study was to assess the effect of soaking time and temperature on paddy moisture content and effect of steaming time on milling yield and physical quality of parboiled rice in some paddy varieties. The stages of the research was determination of soaking time and temperature, processing of parboiled rice, milling yield analysis, and physical properties analysis. The result showed that paddy soaking at 60oC takes 3 - 5 hours to reach moisture content of 25 – 30%, whereas at 30oC takes more than 7 hours. Steaming of Ciherang paddy for 20 minutes resulted the highest head rice yield (72.52 ± 5.00%). Parboiling condition that recommended was soaking paddy on 60oC for 4 hours and steaming for 20 minutes using Ciherang paddy variety

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