
An experiment in online AT open innovation


Objective. To initiate an experiment to see if an online tool can facilitate creation of new Assistive Technology (AT) through open innovation that engages the public (primarily end users and carers), prescribers, innovators and manufacturers. The final results and conclusions of the funded project which focus on AT relevant to access and use of Information Technology will be included in the poster. Main content. The REALISE project has created a prototype online platform. Open innovation is not widely employed in AT and so the approach in the platform assumes AT community members will explore the use of open innovation. The platform thus needs: information (definitions, guidance, and discussion of motivations of stakeholders), inclusive human computer interfacing, and open innovation process tools. Additionally, while good communication will be fundamentally important there are several other functional broad dimensions, ergonomic, language, educating and external connections/interaction. Solutions addressing these dimensions have to suit and excite the people expected to form the community otherwise user engagement is likely to be poor. Results. The platform website design and functioning is summarized, showing the open innovation framework employed (i.e. idea, incubator and project) and the use of an open community based solution as a market place for open source assistive technology engagement. The project's one year duration allowed for only one prototype to be developed and explored, so design decisions were made largely based on drawing parallels from other contexts and adhoc consultations with stakeholders. As in change management strategies, a bias to involve those who understood and were keen to try REALISE was employed, hoping that these people could then become advocates for open innovation in general and REALISE specifically. Networking to key external organisations was used both for promotion and engagement in the study. Conclusion. Designing any completely new service where a significant number of the potential users are not usually involved in the processes is challenging. The need for open innovation novices to gain access to support is seen as essential. Due to the project constraints a more participatory involvement of stakeholders and exploration of alternative strategies was not possible. Nevertheless new knowledge was gained about the use of open innovation in the field of AT

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