
Peran Serikat Pekerja Dan Manajemen Dalam Membina Hubungan Industrial (Studi Pada Pg. Kebon Agung Malang)


Fostering industrial relation in Indonesia is expected to create workplace peace, work environment conducive and harmonious working relationship. Worker union as workers representatives and management as company representative had important role in fostering industrial relation. This study aimed to describe industrial relations, the role of the unions, the role of management and implementation industrial relation suitable of value pancasila in PG. Kebon Agung Malang. This study type was descriptive research with qualitative approach. Informants in this study are two worker union official, two representatives of human resources management and four members of worker union. Results of this study showed the industrial relations had been well maintained visible through the relationship management and unions in the stage accommodating, workers welfare guaranteed and the avoidance of a strike. Roles of workers union on making of collective labour agreement, settle of dispute in bipartite institution through deliberation and accommodate the aspirations of employees so their desire can be coordinated so make harmonious industrial relations. Roles of management is seen in overcoming interference work and negotiations related to managing of employment in the company. Workers union and management had been working together to establish industrial relations with reference to the principles of nations is pancasila is expected to grow in Indonesia in running industrial activity

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