Meanings attributed by migrant women to nursing care during pregnancy to postpartum


Maternal health care for migrant women poses new challenges to countries in the WHO European Region. Migrant women tend to have worse perinatal health outcomes as a result of migration conditions, socioeconomic needs, health status, language or health literacy. These women may manifest different representations and cultural practices associated with motherhood that need to be understood and respected during nursing care in the host country. The aim was to explore the meanings attributed by migrant women to nursing interventions implemented during prenatal care to postpartum period. Qualitative study using Grounded Theory. Thirty interviews were conducted with pregnant migrant women and mothers from various countries, between February 2015 to December 2016, in Primary Health Care. Emerging coding of data determined the central category BUILDING TRUST, representative of the use of professional skills and competencies to help migrant women gain confidence and expose emotions, insecurities and needs: “Feeling recognized” highlights sensitivity to cultural differences and transition experiences; “Explaining with simplicity” by the clarity, simplicity, practical and grounded meaning, contributing to the acquisition of skills in the exercise of motherhood and a quality of intercultural communication; “Getting answer”, nurse acting in accordance with the needs exposed by the Other, promoting autonomy, confidence and satisfaction. The development of a trusting relationship has emerged as an essential component of maternal care. The study results may contribute to knowledge and quality of care indicators by showing the migrant client’s perspective on the care

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