Microbiota, fungal resistance and mycotoxigenic potential in herbal teas


Tea - most common beverages worldwide, being prepared by infusing it with boiling water over the leaves or tea bags of the Camellia sinensis; several categories of tea, based on the degree of fermentation; current growth in tea consumption is explained by the recent trends in a healthy lifestyle. Herbal and fruit infusions are amongst the world's most popular and widely enjoyed beverages, thanks to their almost unlimited variety and their convenience; the full range of flavors to suit every taste and any occasion; do not originate from the tea plant. Aims of the study: quantify the microbiota present in the extraction and infusion of tea and herbal samples; identify the mycobiota present in tea and herbal samples obtained through macroscopic characteristics and microscopy; determine the resistance profile of fungi to antifungal drugs of the azole group.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

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