"This report has been developed in the context of the international co-operation projectAqua-Add (Deploying the added value of water in local and regional development), aiming atthe sharing of knowledge and experience between project partners as to better deploy thepotential of 'water' (economically, socially and environmentally) in urbanised landscapes andto improve the implementation of water measures in local and regional spatialdevelopment. Aqua-Add not only collects, analyses, disseminates and promotes the specificfunctions, services and values of green/blue spaces, but also develops and applies a DecisionSupport Tool (DST) that: i) demonstrates the (potential) social, environmental and economicimpacts of different water management scenarios, and ii) facilitates the planning processand better informed decision making across stakeholders.The objective of this report is to present, not only, the theory and methodologyunderpinning, but also, the application of the Sustainable Urbanizing LandscapeDevelopment decision support tool (SULD; Roebeling et al., 2007). Case studies arepresented for the two frontrunner Aqua Cases (Aveiro PT; Eindhoven NL), to assess theimpact of location-specific green/blue space and socio-economic scenarios on the location ofresidential development, housing quantity, residential development density, populationdensity, population composition, household living space and real estate values. (...)