Assessing the socio-economic benefits from green and blue space rehabilitation: a case study for the Confluence area in Lyon


This paper aims to demonstrate the added socio-economic value of green/blue spaces inurban areas. The Sustainable Urban Landscape Development (SULD) hedonic pricingsimulation model is applied to the case-study of Confluence in Lyon, France. Scenariosimulations are performed for the establishment of urban parks, along with the requalificationof riverfronts and development of road infrastructure. Results show that the first twointerventions (parks and parks plus requalification) attract high-income households and,hence, lead to increases in real estate values up to +28%. The latter intervention (parks plusnew road infrastructure) also attracts low-income households, which leads to a smallerincrease in real estate values. SULD aids in improving urban planning strategies, in terms ofdrafting plans, public discussion and monitoring

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