Measurement: concepts, methods and practice within an electronic book


This work reports on a novel use of Information and Communication Technologies for composing an electronicbook on the measurement field. The e-book "Laboratórios de Instrumentação para Medição/Laboratories of Instrumentation for Measurement" is written in Portuguese and in English. Dealing with concepts, methods, procedures and hands-on activityit combines sketches, figures, animations, videos and remote and virtual labs on the measurement area, integrating many types of multimedia within the written material. The main goal of this work is to push the users to experimental practice so as to improve the conceptual knowledge, to identify many error sources when measuring and clarify how to minimize them.The online experiments related with different subjects within the e-book are accessible for any interested user. All other setups described in the work are described in full detail in order to be easily reproduced by anyone, anywhere, and making it possible to easily replicate the experimental activity

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