Improving the efficiency of ILP systems


Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a promising technol-ogy for knowledge extraction applications. ILP has produced intelligiblesolutions for a wide variety of domains where it has been applied. TheILP lack of eciency is, however, a major impediment for its scalabilityto applications requiring large amounts of data. In this paper we pro-pose a set of techniques that improve ILP systems eciency and makethen more likely to scale up to applications of knowledge extraction fromlarge datasets. We propose and evaluate the lazy evaluation of examples,to improve the eciency of ILP systems. Lazy evaluation is essentiallya way to avoid or postpone the evaluation of the generated hypotheses(coverage tests).The techniques were evaluated using the IndLog system on ILP datasetsreferenced in the literature. The proposals lead to substantial eficiencyimprovements and are generally applicable to any ILP system

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