Tracking moving objects in image sequences


The computational movement analysis of objects in temporal image sequences is very changeling,given that it usually involves tasks for image enhancement, features segmentation, objects matchingand registration, features tracking and motion analysis. Notwithstanding the difficulties, thiscomputational analysis has a wide range of prominent applications; for instance, in engineering,medicine, virtual reality, biology and sports.Difficulties that frequently appear while tracking moving objects include the simultaneous trackingof manifold objects, objects temporary occlusion or definitively disappearance, variations of theviewpoints considered in the imaging acquisition or of the illumination conditions, or even nonrigiddeformations or topological alterations that objects may undergo.In this presentation, we are going to introduce and discuss methods often considered incomputational movement analysis of objects in image sequences; in particularly, for theirsegmentation, tracking and matching in images, and for estimation of the deformation involvedamong images

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