Contributos para pensar a pesquisa arqueológica como vivência criativa tendo como pano de fundo o problema da interpretação de arquitecturas, espaços e territórios pré-históricos


This paper is an essay about what means to the author his own research activity as an archaeologist, as someone who tries to keep attentive to the issues and problems of our contemporary society. Also, it focuses on the nature/culture dichotomy and on the consequences it has had to the interpretation of prehistoric communities and their organization of space and place. Finally, some questions about the interpretation of prehistoric monuments are discussed – in particular, the Iberian Copper Age architectures traditionally considered as “hill-top fortified settlements”. It is obvious, in this case, that we need to interpret them at the light of recent researches carried out all over Europe about the diversity and complexity of the organization of space and its role in the constitution and history of past societies

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