Teachers and learners changing roles in a global technology-mediated environment


This poster addresses the theme of Teachers and learners changing roles in a global technology-mediated environment. Given the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is imperative to develop and implement strategies that mitigate its educational impact. Differences between school systems in a global context and their ability to design and implement appropriate educational responses can generate more learning opportunities around the world. This poster presents some data and reflections resulting from an ongoing research on Global Education in a European School in an international context. For this purpose, a mixed research methodology was used, with the application of a closed answer questionnaire to students and a semi-structured interview with teachers. Partial data on the perspectives of students and teachers regarding Global Education and some of the skills that this educational approach presupposes are analyzed. The results, still provisional, of the research reveal that they are the international matrix of the school under study, promoting global education, with a strong anchor in intercultural competences. However, there are limitations in the use of digital technologies and the Internet in the school context that can compromise the full dynamization of this educational perspective.LE@D, UAbinfo:eu-repo/semantics/draf

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