Le lumie di Sicilia: note storiche e botaniche


Citrus lumia Risso is one of the old cultivated limes in Sicily, Mediterranean Europe and North Africa; For this reason, besides lumia, it is called Mediterranean lime. It is a small tree, with unarmed branches; obovate, obtuse leaves, with serrate margins and slightly winged petioles; flowers of medium size, fragrant, with petals externally reddish; fruit globose, umbonate, with base and apex de- pressed; umbo conical, dotted at the base; smooth, yellow-sulphureous, aromatic peel; thin and bitter mesocarp; endocarp with sweet juice, consisting of 9 -11 logs containing many seeds. It is distinguished from C. limetta Risso by the colour of petals and some other carpological and foliar characters, but mainly for non-acid juice. The two limes were already described in the masterly citrus work of FeRRaRiuS (1646), where in a table these are shown together as Lima dulcis et Lima acris. Cultivation of “lumia”, was once intended for the production of fruits used in the essence and food industry, nowadays is amateur, which is why this citrus has been preserved. In addition to the botanical characteristics of C. lumia, the identity of the “lumia” and its history are also discussed with respect to its cultivation in Sicily, as well as to the correspondence of this citrus with the “sweet lime” by the English authors

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