
Following the Smartness: Leipzig as a Follower City in a Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse Project


For the European Union, smart cities are cities socially, environmentally and economically sustainable, preparing to be the catalysts of innovative changes for the world. Accordingly, the European Commission (EC) has a series of programmes to support the transition from cities to smart cities, such as the Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation. The Triangulum project is one of the first projects in this programme, which trusts on the idea of replicating solutions to reduce the risks for decision-makers and business alike. The goal of replication within these projects is to enable the Follower Cities to replicate the implementation of smart solutions done in the Lighthouse Cities. Triangulum developed the concept and framework of an extensive replication process that relied on workshops, city assessments, on-site visits and other tools, with dedicated personnel, time and budget. Through the funding possibilities of these programmes, the EC mobilises the smart city policy, providing the chance for cities to embark on the smart city world. Leipzig (Germany) is currently a Follower City within the project. It has changed from a shrinking city to the fastest growing city in Germany and now faces the challenges to accommodate the growing population, secure a new economy while improving its liveability and sustainability, with its ageing infrastructure and financial limitations. By seizing the momentum of growth, Leipzig seeks to overcome its restraints, especially the limited financial resources, exploring its potentials and thus following a new sustainable path through the smart city idea. This paper aims at identifying the real benefits of the 'replication' process designed within the project. By looking closely at Leipzig as a Follower City in Triangulum, it is possible to reflect on the meaning of replication in the European smart city context

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