
Infographics for smart people in smart cities


Since 2012 the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency has been working on a series of infographics on mobility, energy, food, water, waste and cargo flows in the Netherlands. The aim of these graphic visualisations is to create smarter and more sustainable urban environments by informing experts, policy makers and the general public about relevant urban flows and possible perspectives for action. The infographics show the scale, proportion and systemic relationship of flows on various scales, from global to local, and are based on recent scientific research by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Inspired by the work of the Austrian sociologist Otto Neurath and the German graphic designer Gerd Arntz, a first booklet on infographics on food, energy and mobility in the Netherlands has been published by PBL in 2012. Currently, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is working on graphic visualisations of ten urban flows, such as mobility, energy, waste, cargo and water, that will be published and exhibited at the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2014. This paper shows and describes a selection of infographics that are relevant for smart people in smart cities

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