
Mode Choice Model for the Elderly: Case of Mashhad City, Iran


Although much research has been conducted on mode choice, very little has focused on the topic for the elderly. Considering the very particular behavior of this population group, different factors are expected to influence their decisions. Travel behavior of the elderly are mostly studied in developed countries. However, developing countries will have a great share of the elderly in a few decades. This paper aims to analyze Mashhad’s elderly travel behavior statistically through the application of multinomial logit model. A questionnaire is then designed based on the literature and the particular sample in Iran and administered to a sample of 499 elderly people through a field survey. The questionnaire contains socio-economic and trip characteristics questions. That includes travel origin and destinations, mode of travel, purpose and frequency of travel, number of the people along with respondents, household size, educational attainment, monthly household expenses, number of cars in the household, elderly car-ownership and having a driving license. To determine the statistically significant variables and Multi Nomial Logit model is used and the results indicate that the elderly in Masshad tend to use public transport more. Also, car users are mostly women and they prefer to be car passengers. Elderly with higher educational attainment and income tend to use car more. Elderly prefer to walk more as they get older and elderly men walk more than women. The walking mode has a negative correlation with the travel distance

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