
TDR Approach Employment in Dealing with Metropolitan Area’s Sprawl; Isfahan Metropolitan Area, District 9


Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), as a market-led mechanism, attempts to managing the urban growth and facing urban sprawl, with reference to the valuable lands, through balancing between public and private interests. This approach has been raised following the master plans inefficiencies in protecting valuable natural lands and zones. Due to the master plans failure in facing urban sprawl and managing the cities’ growth in a smart way in Iran this concept has been put forward in academics and professional arenas in recent decades. But, due to the lack of institutional context and necessary soft perquisites, it has not been realized and moved beyond theoretical fields. Similar to most of the Iran’s’ city districts, district no 9 in Isfahan Metropolitan Area- which is famous because of its orchards and landscaped lush and productive agriculture-has been exposed to the commercialization and mass unplanned constructions. As a result its valuable environmental assets, which act as a respiratory lung of the city, exposed to destruction. This is while many lands are abandoned within the city. These issues raised the necessity of TDR approaches employment for the aim of growth management. In this regard, the main question is that what the main institutional perquisites are and by which means a reliable institutional context would be provided for realization of this mechanism in the selected district as the research case study. The following research, with the intention of answering this question, is up to identify those theoretical perquisites through literature reviews methods such as meta-synthesis and field research methods. Afterwards, due to the extracted conceptual frameworks, 4 main institutions’ vision about TDR’s soft perquisites, including citizens, developer, landowners and urban experts, would be analyzed by means of statistical methods such as Friedman and T tests, Multivariate regressions and SWOT analysis. Based on the results, this approach employment requires long term smart plans to achieve successful outputs, since variety of institutional barriers such as low regional consciousness, unwillingness to participate and not providing the necessary legal grounds

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