
Warp-Innovation Study for Justifying Boost Space Services


Warp-Innovation (WI) challenges innovation teams, academic spin-offs and start-ups on their biz ideas. One important orientation is establishing collaboration amongst proper stakeholders of an eco-system. We therefore engage with strategic partners, following the principle of forming relationships between science, corporates, start-ups, services and investors. Warp-Innovation therefore conducts a study - during 2017 in the German speaking countries and 2018 within Europe - adhering to this setting. Enabling mutual benefits for all parties involved is our credo. At REAL CORP 2017 we may give some insights to this - proud to be there as the conference format addresses multi domains since its very beginning. In here we focus on the study conducted together with selected study partners with the motivation to justify experiences and assumptions in designing Warp-Innovation Bosst Spaces (WIBS) for corporates - several industries, large/medium enterprises, academic institutes focusing on start-ups, the latter ones at any stage; investors - business angels, venture capital, corporate VC; services – incubators, accelerators, co-working spaces, tax, legal consultants etc. It’s vital to differentitate the following: Incubators and Accelerators are organizations, serving start-ups temporarily in bringing up their business faster and more successfully and mostly take equity in doing so. The Warp-Innovation Boost Space is established and operated for large/r organizations - willing to engage with small/er partners – exclusively and permanently - collaboration models to be formed during the course. We are convinced, that enabling a successful relationship between established and emerging organizations can be achieved by involving intermediaries accompanying the process of establishing and operating corporate cooperation programs (which we call Boost Spaces) in order to achieve mutual benefits for all parties involved. We support building up such a corporate accelerator (project phase) - optionally followed by operating it. Several service levels as illustrated are available. Our study results are supposed to enable continuous service improvement and innovation

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